Thursday, February 10, 2011

Welcome James Edward Campbell!

We discovered our baby has my sense of timing!  My water broke on Monday, January 31 at 8am and by 7:42pm, James Edward Campbell was born!  He was 7 lbs 13.5oz and was 20 inches long.  He came out with a head full of red hair which means he looks EXACTLY like his dad!  His first couple of days were a little stressful and hard on Chris and I because his bilirubin levels were pretty high so he had to be in a bili-blanket with glowing blue lights.  We actually had to stay a little later than we were originally supposed to because his bili levels were not going down as quickly as the doctors wanted.  However, we made it home by Wednesday and so began our adventure in parenthood...

The whole family together in the hospital!  These pictures are not my favorite of myself, but I'm hoping most of the attention goes to the cute baby..

 This is James under the bili-blanket lights.  I love the goggles (we actually got to keep them) but I didn't really like how the blanket made him look sicker than he really was...

Since we've been home, it's been a fun, crazy time!  We were/are lucky to have very supportive family.  We were able to see all of Chris' family while we were in the hospital and we are lucky enough to live close enough to my family that they have been very helpful!  It's always nice to know we can call on one of the grandmas to come spend the night with James if we need a few extra hours of sleep :)  Chris and I are very excited to watch our little boy grow in the coming weeks!

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