Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's see how this works out...

Well, Chris and I are expecting our first baby in about a month and I thought...why not join the ranks of the bloggers?  I guess it's an easy way to keep updates happening. 

We are expecting our baby boy on January 31 and we are very excited!  A little nervous, but mostly excited!  So far, both the baby and I are doing well and are very healthy!  I am working at a middle school in the special education department for at least another month.  It's not my favorite job, but it pays the bills!  I took a few months off from teaching swimming lessons so that I could concentrate on figuring out how to be a mom :)  Chris is working as an assistant manager at Domino's in South Riding.  He hopes to keep working on starting up his massage business, but with a new baby and all, he hasn't had much time for that!

Well, we shall see how this blogging thing goes!